Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 WBCHSE
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 WBCHSE
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 wbchse
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 WBCHSE
The Higher Secondary Examination will be held in only one paper on each day from 10.00 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (3 hours and 15 minutes time is allotted both for reading question paper and writing answer) Health & Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music and Vocational Subjects. #The Examination of these subjects will be of two hours duration.
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 wbchse
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 WBCHSE
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 WBCHSE
Date Schedule of E.S. Practical Examination 2020 of all Lab-Based subjects excluding MUSIC, VISUAL ARTS and HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION: 02.12.2019 to 24.12.2019 (Including Hill Area).
Date Schedule of H.S. Practical Examination 2020 of MUSIC, VISUAL ARTS and Hf,ALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION: 16.12.2019 to 24.122019 (lncluding Hill Area).
N.B. The Council may, if necessary, change the above dates with due intimation to all concerned
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 WBCHSEVIEW HERE Annual Exam Routine of Class- XI :2020
Higher Secondary Examination Routine: 2020 wbchse
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